Wednesday 16 October 2013

A day in Leicestershire & Rutland - October 15, 2013

I went to Eye Brook Reservoir first this morning seeing two Red Kites on route near the reservoir and circa twenty Tree Sparrow near Blaston.  There were three Buzzards flying around the old oak used by Little Owls but there was no sign of any owls.  The reason for the visit today was to see if the pair of Ring-necked Ducks and the Yellow-browed Warbler were still present.  There was no sign of the ducks at the island, which is where they had been on Saturday and I was unable to find them elsewhere.  I had the same result with the Yellow-browed Warbler in the area of the plantation it had been seen.  The twenty-one Whooper Swans were still present and I counted ten Pintail close to the inlet.  The only other birds of note were two Little Egrets, two Green Woodpeckers and two Tree Sparrows.

With no luck at Eye Brook Reservoir I decided to go the dam at Rutland Water but found very little, although a Rock Pipit had been seen earlier.

Meadow Pipit

Meadow Pipit

I then visited the Old Hall where there had been a few waders on a recent visit but only found a single Little Egret.  The north was better with the juvenile Pectoral Sandpiper being on the spit at the end of the road.  The two juvenile Grey Plover were also still present close by as was a single Ringed Plover.  The ten Barnacle Geese were amongst a party of Canada Geese on the north shore and two Pintail were also observed.

I joined Ken in the Egleton car park where we observed a couple of Chiffchaff whilst we had lunch.  We then walked to shoveler hide on lagoon three where the water level had risen considerably since my last visit.  There was a single Greenshank and Redshank and a Snipe was also found amongst some grass.  There were noticeably fewer duck present but two Pintail were roosting on one of the islands and two Buzzards flew over the wood on the northern edge of the lagoon.

Drake Teal

There was just a couple of Little Egrets from crake hide and masses of ducks from lapwing hide.  The light was not good but Ken did find a male Scaup amongst the masses of Tufted Duck.

We started to walk back towards lagoon four but called in smew hide on lagoon two where we found nine Pintail and a couple of Little Egrets.

Little Egret

From sandpiper hide on lagoon four we found seven Pintail, a Little Egret and sixteen Golden Plovers but otherwise it was quiet.

We met Steve and Terry as we walked back to the centre and they had the same result as me at Eye Brook Reservoir, except they had found three Red-crested Pochard.  They also informed us that they had seen a couple of Stonechats and a Garganey on lagoon one.  We hadn’t been in the centre too long before I had located one of the Stonechats and the Garganey but it was some time before Ken fund the second Stonechat, when we then had them both in the same view and confirmed they were a male and female.  A then picked up a Peregrine that made two half-hearted stoops before flying off to the south.  Tim then appeared and whilst talking to him he received a phone call from Steve who had found a female Ring-necked Duck from lapwing hide.

Ken and I decided to go and take a look and walked back to the hide.  When we arrived Steve and Terry were still there and Steve commented that there was also a male Red-crested Pochard but that we would have to find them.  He did say he couldn’t find any Scaup and then indicated where the Pochard was.  When I searched for this I immediately found the male Scaup and then got Steve and Terry on to it.  I then saw the male Red-crested Pochard and both Steve and Terry then said they couldn’t find the Ring-necked Duck.  Apparently it had hardly moved whilst they had watched and was still in the same place just before Ken and I arrived.  We all scoped the area they had seen it without any joy so I broadened my scan and found it quite quickly well to the left of where it had been.  It was now quite mobile within a party of Tufted Duck but we did get some excellent views of this rather attractive female duck.

After a light shower had passed Ken and I retreated back to the car park to make our way home, having enjoyable a good day with a particular exciting close to it.

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