Sunday 10 December 2017

An afternoon in Leicestershire and Northants - December 7, 2017

David and I decided to make a visit to Stanford Reservoir after the heavy morning rain had moved off to the southeast, but it remained quite windy but there were some sunny periods.

After parking near the old railway line, we walked along the track and entered the reservoir grounds near the feeding station.  We had seen a Buzzard and couple of Bullfinches as we walked along the track and on entering the reservoir grounds I found a single Tree Sparrow in a bush near the feeding station.  It was particularly windy at this point and the feeders were swinging quite violently in the wind with no birds feeding.

There is a set-aside field to the northeast and we entered the field and flushed a Snipe and a second smaller bird that we thought was a Jack Snipe.  It had flown directly away from us before dropping into the field again, so we walked to where we thought it had gone.  It flushed again and this time we saw it slightly better and were able to confirm that it was a Jack Snipe.

We returned to the reservoir grounds and walked back along the track to the road.  There were good numbers of wildfowl along the Leicestershire bank that included Wigeon; Gadwall; Teal; Mallard, three Shoveler, forty-two Pochard, Tufted Duck and a single female Goosander.  There were also twenty Cormorant and two Little Egrets were observed in flight.

When we got back to the road we checked out the small section of the other side of the road, where we found two more Bullfinch.  There was a large concentration of Jackdaw on the Leicestershire side that all took to flight and shortly afterwards I picked up a Buzzard, which had presumably caused the disturbance.

After getting back to the car David suggested we go back via Saddington Reservoir and just after passing through Mowsley we had a Kestrel and I then saw a Sparrowhawk, which David failed to see.
There wasn’t a great deal at Saddington Reservoir even though the water was quite low with the best being two male and five female Goosander.

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